The Chariot Group


Empowering Legislative Processes with Cutting-Edge AV Solutions

Our company has a proven track record of equipping legislative chambers and committee rooms with state-of-the-art audiovisual technology, enhancing the ability of lawmakers to engage, present, record, and stream their proceedings.

City Legislatures
We’re proud to have contributed to the Anchorage’s advanced streaming capabilities. The city is now equipped to stream committee meetings from all committee rooms and both chambers. This service provides Alaskans with live access to every committee meeting in the chambers, fostering transparency and public engagement in the legislative process.

State Legislatures
Our AV solutions have also enhanced the Utah Legislature’s ability to conduct and share their proceedings. The legislative committee rooms are now equipped with advanced audio recording capabilities, allowing for the capture and preservation of important discussions and debates. This technology not only aids in record-keeping but also supports public access to legislative proceedings.

Key Features of Our Legislative AV Solutions:

  • High-quality video streaming capabilities
  • Advanced audio recording systems
  • Multi-room integration for seamless communication
  • User-friendly interfaces for easy operation by staff and legislators
  • Scalable solutions to accommodate future technological advancements

By implementing our AV solutions, legislative bodies can:

  • Increase transparency and public access to government proceedings
  • Enhance the quality of remote participation and virtual hearings
  • Improve the accuracy of legislative records
  • Facilitate more effective communication among lawmakers and constituents

Our commitment to providing top-tier AV solutions for legislative chambers has helped modernize government operations and foster greater civic engagement across the nation.